Believe in Birks

Copy-heavy print advertising campaign for Birkenstock that emphasis the timelessness and durability of the brand.


Walk in the Shoes of Your Great-Great-Great Grandfather.

Copy: Since 1774, we have been working tirelessly to bring you your very own, personalized sandal that molds to the exact shape of your foot; making us a durable, yet timeless shoe to last throughout generations. Today, we still hold ourselves to the same standards our fathers did before us. Tradition is important here, after all.

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The Sandal that Aced the Test of Time.

Copy: In every Birkenstock sandal, you can expect to find five distinct layers. They work in perfect harmony to ensure that your shoes will be durable, enduring, and resilient. Our method has lasted for centuries, setting us apart by redefining what it means for your shoes to be long-lasting and timeless.

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245+ Years Later…WE’re Still kicking.

Copy: Since the very foundation of our company in 1774, Birkenstock has been intent on delivering people quality yet comfortable sandals. Our method has worked for over 245 years, yet we will continue to striveto keep up with the changing times. While our style and method speaks volumes for withstanding generations, we hope to bring your favorite shoes for years to come.